Agency Terms and Conditions

QMH TECHNOLOGIES LTD T/A Amsterdam Airport Taxi

We, QMH TECHNOLOGIES LTD, a company registered in England & Wales (Reg# 13506378), registered address 10-16 Tiller Road, London, England, E14 8PX.


It is client responsibility to make sure all the details (Name, email address, contact number, number of passengers, Laguages, Pickup and drop address, date and time etc.) added in the booking form are correct.


In case of cancellation before 12 hours to pick-up time; 5% transaction charge will be deducted and remaining amount will be refunded within 2 to 3 working days.

In case of cancellation within less than 12 hours to pick-up time; paid amount will not be refundable. (The payment will be refunded even cancellation is within 12 hours to pick- up time in case of flight cancellation and with the provision of evidence)


All our prices are fixed there will be no effect on price after making the final booking. The advertised price may be change from time to time but it will not effect on confirmed bookings. The price of the confirmed booking remains same.

Special Requests

If you have any special requests, please let us know at the time of booking. We will pass on all such requests to the Supplier/Principal, but we can't guarantee that they will be met and we will have no liability to you if they are not. Note that our Suppliers/Principals will arrange child / baby seats if requested whenever possible.

Vehicle Descriptions and Standards

It is client responsibility to select the appropriate vehicle. The images of the vehicle make and model shown on the quotation page are for illustration and guidance purpose only.

Journey Times

Estimated journey time arranged on booking form is as per normal condition and current road conditions such as traffic, accident etc. may change this time.


While making your booking with us we will arrange for you to enter into a contract with the Licenced Supplier. You will receive the confirmation directly from the Licenced supplier shortly after booking detailing all term and condition. Your booking with us is subject to these Agency Terms and Conditions and the specific terms and conditions of the relevant Licenced Supplier you contract with.

We are entitled, on behalf of the Licenced Supplier, to refuse any order placed by you. We do not guarantee to successfully allocate a Licenced Supplier to every booking request. In the unlikely event that we are unable to allocate a Licenced Supplier to your booking request we will email you to advise you as soon as possible.

Blogs Pages

A Deep Dive into the World of London Airport Transfers

Blog about A Deep Dive into the World of London Airport Transfers...

Exploring the Convenience of London Airport Transfers

Blog about Exploring the Convenience of London Airport Transfers...

Mastering the Art of London Airport Transfers: A Comprehensive Review

Blog about Mastering the Art of London Airport Transfers: A Comprehensive Review...

London Airport Transfers: A Synonym for Comfort and Efficiency

Blog about London Airport Transfers: A Synonym for Comfort and Efficiency...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do you provide airport services?

Ans. Yes, we do provide airport services.

Q. Do you assist passengers arriving at Southend Airport?

Ans. Yes, we assist customers arriving at Southend Airport.

Q. Are you able to provide service from Gatwick Airport?

Ans. Yes, we provide service from Gatwick Airport.

Q. Do you assist passengers arriving at Southend Airport?

Ans. Yes, we assist customers arriving at Southend Airport.

Q. Do you provide wheelchair-friendly cars?

Ans. Yes, we provide a wheelchair-friendly car for customers.

Q. Do you provide 24/7 customer service?

Ans. We provide 24/7 customer service.

Q. Do you have a large number of worldwide customers?

Ans. Yes, thousands of customers are taking jobs from us and we are providing Great Customer Care.

Our Clients Testimonials

Large space

Two days back I attended my friend’s marriage ceremony along with my family. The cab has a large space inside hence; we all were comfortable.
star star star star star

Wait for the customers

One day I was a bit late so the driver was waiting for me outside my home.
star star star star star

I rely on them

I always rely on their services because they are always on time.
star star star star star

Luxurious cabs

I was amazed when saw their cabs from inside. Their cabs are well furnished.
star star star star star

Excellent guide

Our tour was made great by our excellent guide, who was very amiable and informed. She made us all feel very comfortable and has excellent English skills.
star star star star star

No overspeeding

The drivers never did over speeding even if you are in hurry.
star star star star star

Going to Gatwick

I am James I had a great experience with the Amsterdam Airport Taxi.
star star star star star

Reliable service

They are providing reliable services in London city.
star star star star star

Top quality

Amazing service. Top quality cab and driver.
star star star star star

Comfortable rides

Yesterday I was going to the liver pool museum.  I enjoyed their ride. It was very comfortable.
star star star star star

Best Amsterdam Airport Taxi

It is the best Amsterdam Airport Taxi among others.
star star star star star

Online booking

star star star star star

Special seat for toddlers

I appreciate the Amsterdam Airport Taxi for arranging special seats for toddlers. I was going to the hospital for my baby’s appointment.
star star star star star

prompt service

 Everything went without a hitch! Extremely prompt service, pleasant drivers, and quick customer service that responded to my inquiries regarding return travel. Bookings here are highly recommended, and I'll probably do it again in the future.
star star star star star


John, our driver, arrived on schedule, assisted with our bags, and drove us securely to our destination. Superb hassle-free service at a reasonable price. I'm grateful.
star star star star star

Online booking

The most important feature of their services is that you can book your reservation in advance.
star star star star star

Professional drivers

The Amsterdam Airport Taxi drivers are professional in their work. They impress me with their smart driving skills.
star star star star star

Trip to London

The Amsterdam Airport Taxiis awesome. Alexander was a superb host and organized everything as per my requirement and request, so you made sure that our trip to London was memorable.
star star star star star

Clean cabs

Their cabs are in good condition. It is well sanitized.
star star star star star

knowledgeable drivers

My driver for today (Alice) was INCREDIBLE. Her knowledge of the city and history was top shelf!
star star star star star